Although most bags make it to their destination on-time, mishandled bags are costly to airports and airlines and damage relationships with their customers. The missed bag rate (MBR) is calculated for every bag per 1000 that fails to be loaded onto its intended flight....
It is time to rethink how we manage and collect baggage information. Manual processes (a.k.a. Bingo sheets) provide little value in our rapidly changing world. Historically, Baggage Reconciliation Systems (BRS) have been expensive to implement and manage. The...
In today’s travel environment, one of the primary concerns for passengers is a safe, seamless journey, from check-in to arrival. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, airports and airlines around the world were spearheading initiatives to implement new systems to provide...
The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented event that has certainly had a very large impact on the Airport/Airline industry. In these challenging times, we recognize that travelling to attend a large in-person conference such as ours is not top of mind for our...