Baggage Information Displays (BIDs) play a crucial role in the smooth operation of airports and airlines. They improve operational efficiency by streamlining baggage handling and resource allocation while also enhancing passenger satisfaction by providing real-time baggage updates. However, traditional baggage information displays often face several challenges that can impact their effectiveness.

Traditional baggage information displays are typically limited in the information that they can provide to baggage handlers. Additionally, they often require separate displays for different systems, such as Baggage Reconciliation Systems (BRS) and Customs Recalls. This separation complicates the process for baggage handlers, as they must switch between multiple screens to gather necessary information.

Introducing SmartSuite BIDs

SmartSuite BIDs provide an integrated view of bag loading processes for baggage handlers and passengers, using industry standard messaging to incorporate a variety of data from sortation, BRS, and Customs recall systems.

SmartSuite BIDs present baggage handlers with critical data as they load or unload each flight including:

  • Flight information
  • Arrival/departure information
  • Total, expected, and in process bag counts

By providing real-time updates and insights to baggage handlers, SmartSuite BIDs offer a range of key operational benefits, including:

  • Significant reductions in Mishandled Baggage Rates (MBR)
  • Improved on-time performance
  • Lower infrastructure costs
  • Enhanced situational awareness and decision-making

As a fully web-based and cloud-hosted solution, SmartSuite BIDs ensure seamless integration and accessibility, which can result in significant cost savings.

An implementation of SmartSuite BIDs at a major international airport resulted in an astonishing decrease in missed bags of over 50%!

Inbound Displays

Inbound Baggage Information Display screens provide real-time updates on unloading progress, indicating if all bags are collected or more are expected. This information helps airports improve unloading efficiency, monitor handler speed, and enhance SLA compliance, leading to a better experience for staff and passengers.

Outbound Displays

Outbound BIDs give baggage handlers real-time updates on the expected number of bags for each outgoing flight, how many have been delivered, and how many have been loaded via the BRS. This improves situational awareness and decision-making, significantly reducing the risk of mishandled baggage.

Outbound BIDs can also help identify recalled bags that must be sent to Customs for inspection, enabling handlers to find and process these items efficiently. (Note: This feature is available in Canada only.)

Additionally, they feature an interactive element that transforms loading procedures into a game-like experience, where handlers are rewarded with engaging visual cues, such as a fireworks animation, signaling the successful completion of a flight’s baggage scanning.

Passenger-Facing Displays

SmartSuite BIDs isn’t limited to bag rooms. With real-time, dynamic details on both flights and baggage, passengers can also know when their luggage is coming and when to collect it upon arrival.

Custom Displays

SmartSuite BIDs screens can be tailored to fit the unique requirements of different airports, providing numerous features and functionalities. This includes screens for:

  • Flights at risk
  • Roadway entry
  • Oversize/runout pier
  • Inbound/outbound transfer
  • And more.

Are You Experiencing Blind Spots in Your Baggage Handling Processes?

The SmartSuite BIDs system is now available. To learn more or arrange a demo, contact us today.

About Brock Solutions

Brock Solutions is a global industrial automation, engineering software, and professional services company with industry expertise in Manufacturing, Transportation, and Utilities. Our solutions empower customers to access data, transform operations, and drive performance and efficiency, while reducing costs and risk.